Wednesday, March 2, 2011

My Sacirfice, Life without Moses

My name is Jochebed and I Am the mother of Aaron, Miriam and Moses. When I was Pregnant with my third child Moses I was happy yet very sad. Pharaoh had ordered that all the new born boys be killed to minimize the number population of Hebrews. When I had Moses I was terrified I didn't want to see him be killed so I hid him for three months hoping that none of the slave masters would know. Finally,  I decided to put him in a basket and set him off into the Nile. I don't know what possessed me to put him into the most dangerous waters in Egypt. I prayed that God would keep him safe and guard him.

I was so happy to find out that Miriam had been watching over Moses while he sailed on the Nile. She watched him till the Daughter of Pharaoh found him. The Pharaoh hired me to be the breast-feeder for Moses thanks to Miriam. After he was old enough to be weaned from breastfeeding I had to give him up once again. I was so torn. I wanted to keep him  forever but I knew that he had to go back  to being "Prince Of Egypt."

 Not being able to raise Moses was the most difficult thing I ever had to do in my life. I knew he would become a wonderful leader and Prophet. Moses saved our people from the Pharaoh. My Son!

My son was the son of Pharaoh soon to be the"Prince of Egypt". The same people that tired to kill him, but Moses could never deny his Hebrew heritage. He was a Hebrew and he never  forgot that. No matter how hard he tried he would always be Hebrew.

Moses was chosen by God, to save his people the Israelites. To free them from the evil miseries of Pharaoh. My son saved thousands of Israelites from death and the hatefulness of King Pharaoh. Although giving him away was difficult, God blessed him to be a great  and mighty leader. What more could a mother ask God for in a child!

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